Our Catholic Church encourages the faithful to receive frequent Holy Communion. Since the pandemic especially during the full lock down, Holy Masses are offered without attendances and we can participate from home via live streaming without Holy Communion being received. We are asked to make an Act of Spiritual Communion originally written by St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Although it is a beautiful prayer, nothing can be compared to receiving the actual Host.
Currently in Vancouver, the BC Local Health Authority has only started to re-open businesses in stages and so religious gathering is now yet allowed, although with seats limitation we can come to Mass again. There are new rules or regulations being applied at Church, and if we can attend Masses, we are happy to comply. I could not wait for the day when I could attend Mass. When that day came, when that moment to receive Communion was upon me, I was full of joy walking towards the altar to receive once again in my hand the Holy Host.
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January 2021